Contact details & opening information for your local supermarkets
The contact information for the Staines store of Waitrose are available on this page. This shop is open 7 days each week. This Waitrose uses locally sourced products to keep customers spoiled for choice.
Waitrose Staines is CLOSED Closed at 5:00 pm
The details listed for Waitrose in Staines are user generated - they may not be 100% accurate. Keep this data accurate by submitting any changes you have noticed to Waitrose in Staines. Submit a change.
The Waitrose Staines postcode is TW18 4WB which is on Two Rivers Retail Park, Mustard Mill Road.
Monday | 8:00 am | 9:00 pm |
Tuesday | 8:00 am | 9:00 pm |
Wednesday | 8:00 am | 9:00 pm |
Thursday | 8:00 am | 9:00 pm |
Friday | 8:00 am | 9:00 pm |
Saturday | 8:00 am | 8:00 pm |
Sunday | 11:00 am | 5:00 pm |
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Other Waitrose shops nearby to Staines are:
Different shopping branches nearby to Staines are listed here.