Tesco opening and closing hours in Pontyclun

We've gathered together the contact details, location and closing hours for the Pontyclun store of Tesco. This store is open 7 days per week. Tesco can be good value for money to ensure that you keep visiting and make this your local shopping destination.

Tesco Talbot Green is CURRENTLY OPEN and closes at 10:00 pm

The information for this branch of Tesco is user generated and therefore may not be correct. Help us keep this information up to date by submitting any changes. Submit a change.

The postal address for Pontyclun Tesco is CF72 8RB in Rhondda Cynon Taff.

Contact Information Tesco

Store Opening Times

Monday 6:00 am 11:59 pm
Tuesday 9:32 am 9:32 am
Wednesday 9:32 am 9:32 am
Thursday 9:32 am 9:32 am
Friday 9:32 am 9:32 am
Saturday 12:01 am 10:00 pm
Sunday 10:00 am 4:00 pm

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Contact Telephone Number

Store Location

Green Park
Talbot Green
Rhondda Cynon Taff
CF72 8RB

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